Sand in my shoes

Texas, United States
A mother of three in a committed relationship. Some crazy stuff can happen to a person like me, and it usually does. This is where I will share things.

Aug 1, 2007

Not here for catch up

It's been so long since I've posted that it will take too long for me to type and too long for you to read about everything that's been going on. I will just occasionally reflect on things when they strike my fancy. So, that being said...How the hell are you??? I've checked in every now and then on many of you. I guess I can go ahead and at least explain the absence. In a suite meant for five people, we were housing seven. Now, this blog is my secret spot. I have a public MySpace for everyone else. But I don't want this one to be known so that when I want to vent, I can.

...Anyway, one of the seven people in the room was my Sweety's 18 year old daughter who is a royal pain in my ass. This kid has pretty much caused nothing but grief since the day I met her. The typical 'My-parents-divorced-when-I-was-young-and-any-woman-my-dad-likes-is-taking-him-away-from-me!' I'm sure you have heard of the type. She makes up stuff to cause fights between us and she watched every move I made on the computer. It drove me nuts!!!!!!!!! So I couldn't log in. It's like she never even slept. I even tried to get up in the night and she would hop up too and come to the computer. Finally I asked her, "Is there a reason you are constantly over my shoulder?" She said no and stayed right there. AAAUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!!

Anyway, I'm back at the house now. We are planning to move to another town. The Realtors are coming look at the house and hopefully we will be in a house (or apartment ) by the end of the month...before school starts. We will be closer to both of our families. The main reason for this because Vinnie will be traveling so much and I have no one in this town if I needed something. He's gone so much that we weren't even home for two days and he got a call to go on another job. He was planning to take a few weeks off, but this one was too good to pass up. Have you ever seen the movie Armageddon, with Bruce Willis and all of the roughnecks? Well, that's what it's like for Vin. There is this group that he is now in and when there is a job that's needing a crane crew...he's on the list. And they come from all over the states to one place and get the job done. He got a call around 4 pm to head to a job. Two hours and three calls from other guys later I was booking him a ticket to fly out at 7 the next morning. I have no idea how long he will be gone. When we find out if we are getting the house we really want, I will just hire some movers.

Well I took a few pics to send to Vin of myself...I'll try them out on you first...


MarkD60 said...

Great Pictures! I like them all, but I especially like the second one! And the one that is your new profile picture!

As hard as it may seem, I yhink you should try to have patience with the girl. I'm sure her focus will drastically change soon.

Good luck with the move!

I have a MySpace too! MarkD60!

Cindy N. said...

I like the 3rd one because it shows off your lovely eyes. I have missed your posts, but thanks for checking in on me from time to time. I hope the move is going ok. Hope to see you back here soon.

Cindy N. said...

Where are you girl? Miss you. Please come back.

MarkD60 said...

August, September, October, NOVEMBER!!

MarkD60 said...

Do you get an email when someone comments on your blog? Are you on Facebook?